Everybody advices to drink more water to help you lose weight, but the question is “does water really help in weight loss? The short and simple answer is a big “Yes”.
Drinking water boosts our metabolism, cleanses our body by removing the waste and toxins and the best part is it acts as an excellent appetite suppressant. Drinking more water can help lose weight by stopping body’s water retention also.
However, the question how to ensure we are drinking more water to encourage weight loss?
Drink before you eat
Water is an excellent appetite suppressant, so drink a glass of water every time you eat something. Studies suggest that drinking water before meals can reduce up to 60 to 70 calories of calories per meal.
Replace sweetened, carbonated and every drink with water
Replace every soft drink, carbonated drink, juices, sodas and extra cups of tea and coffee with the same amount of water. If water sounds tasteless, add few drops of lemon juice and a spoon of honey for that extra boost to reduce weight.
Drink cold water
Yes, drinking cold water helps boost metabolism because body works hard to warm the water up. This results in burning of more calories and aids in losing weight.
Calculate and drink
There is a very simple method to ensure the minimum amount of water one should drink. For people who aim for weight loss, they need to add an extra glass or two to this.
Divide your weight in pounds by two to get the number of ounces of water a day, you need to drink.
For eg: If you weight 60 kgs, then your weight in pounds would be 132.277 pounds. Hence, the minimum amount of drinking water required is: 66.1385 ounces.
Hence, a person weighing 60 kgs needs to drink atleast 2 litres of water.
If you are still confused about how to know if you’re getting enough water, you’ll know you’re well hydrated if your urine is clear. The darker the color of your urine, the more water you need to drink to lose weight.
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