Are you losing your sleep over going bald??? Then practice 4 habits that change the life of your hair and prevent them from falling out.
It's absolutely normal to lose up to 80 to 100 hairs a day, but anything more than this should ring a bell. However, below are the 4 habits that prevent hair loss effectively.
Watch what you eat: The popular saying "you are what you eat" applies to your body health and hair health. Hair and scalp problems can start either due to a deficiency or an excess of certain nutrients in your diet. Every hair follicle needs a balanced amount of protein, vitamin, minerals, and carbohydrates.
Relax, take a deep breath: Life is hectic and so is the lifestyle but taking a moment to relax in this busy schedule is must. Meditate or do something which you love for atleast 30 mins in a day.
Oil, wash & condition; remember the mantra: Hair needs care. Follow a strict regimen to keep the hair and scalp clean. Oil, shampoo and condition your hair thrice a week to avoid dandruff and other itchy scalp conditions. It is encouraged to have a hair mask applied once or twice in a month for proper nourishment of hair.
Consult a dermato-trichologist: If hair loss runs in your family, then consult a dermato-trichologist to check for ways to prevent it. The advancement in cosmetic dermato-trichology has brought forth science backed and USFDA approved numerous solutions to combat genetic patterned baldness. PRP therapy is one of the miraculous treatments for genetic hair loss that has proven itself with best effective results.
There are many ways to prevent hair but when one observes a sudden increase in loss of hair, it is recommended to consult a dermato-trichologist.
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