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Healthy Skin at Every Age: 8 Simple Tips to Get It

When is the last time you have cared for your skin beyond worrying over fine lines or the pimple that has occurred just before a major event? You cannot remember right, but the truth is that your skin is more than just an outer layer of your body that has to be washed and made up. Skin is the largest living organ of your body and is the primary defence system against harmful things and pollution. Treat the skin you are in with more respect because you have only one to live in.
Below are simple tips that would guarantee a healthy skin at every age:
Stay away from soap
Do you have the habit of applying body soap to your face? Stop it immediately. Soap is highly alkaline and damages the skin's natural barriers. Opt for a mild face cleanser and use it on your face with lukewarm water. Follow it immediately with cold water; this tones the skin and makes pores tight. This is the simplest tip to get a healthy skin.
Sun exposure is bad, real bad
Sun rays are worse than you imagined. The UVA and UVB ray ages the skin prematurely and may also lead to skin cancer. Avoiding the exposure is best but if you can’t, use your armoury to fight the sun damage. Sunscreen lotion, hats and covered clothing are the best possible equipment to fight the sun rays.
Fibre inside healthy skin outside
You skin is the sign of health inside. Impurities on the skin like pimples or any inflammation can be due to digestive problems. Good health starts with good food. Lots of fibre in food regulate digestion and thus lead to the healthy skin outside.
Defend your skin
Sun rays are not the only factor that causes skin damage; other factors like stress, late nights, excessive coffee consumption, alcohol and cigarettes are worst offenders than the former.
Keep your skin moisturized

We usually forget to apply moisturizer after bath, but this is the best way of keeping your body hydrated always. Moisturizing creams pump up the skin cells, giving a softer look to the skin.
Drink water any time and every time
This is the most given tip for healthy skin but what n body says is how much water one should drink. Divide your weight by two; this is the number of ounce of water one should drink. For eg: if your body weight is 68, then 34 ounce of water is to be consumed daily.
Eat fruits and apply fruits
Fruits have acids and enzymes. So whenever you eat fruit, take a piece and apply it on your face. This would clear the skin by removing the dead cells.
Keep moving
Regular physical activity keeps you young from inside and outside. Skin retains its vitality when you are in late 40’s also.
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